<VV> Parking at Buffalo convention
Tony Underwood
tonyu at roava.net
Tue Mar 21 16:53:33 EST 2006
At 09:47 hours 03/21/2006, mhicks130 at cox.net wrote:
>OMG! It's true what they say, Corvair people ARE cheap (like there
>was any doubt). ;)
> >------------------------------
>I'm with Smitty! The host hotel is too expensive and, if I come to the
>convention at all, I will be staying at a campground or Motel-Sucks.
Do the math. Even at 80 bucks/day (cheap for many host motels who
end up with 'Vairs in the lot for a week) the monthly rate for a
single room with two beds in it is still 2400 bucks. That's more
money than I make in a month.
And that doesn't include anything resembling the sort of meal you'd
get from your own fridge, for cheap.
If I have the choice of spending close to a C-note on a room for the
night, and buying no parts, or spending half that on a room at the
Scottish Inn down the road and the other half on those obscure
hard-to-find Vair parts, which line do you think I'll be standing
in...? ;)
...the bucks saved are better spent on the vendors. Besides, I
have Corvairs. I'm cheap by default.
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