<VV>fan finishing

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Tue Mar 21 13:35:09 EST 2006

In a message dated 3/21/2006 9:43:09 AM Pacific Standard Time,  
tonyu at roava.net writes:

>Lastly, what is the collective wisdom on making the fan look a  little
>better? I'm assuming that the heat in the powder coating process  would
>decidedly NOT be a good idea!

No problems there  either.   The temps needed to damage the fan are 
much higher  than the powder coating process needs to melt/flow the 
plastic  coating.     tony..      

All I would suggest is that a light, bright color on the fan is likely to  
show lots of dirt and fairly quickly. Remember that all the cooling air pulled  
in from behind the rear window is destined to go through this fan. (When it  
doesn't bleed past shroud seals). I would go with a medium to darker color, or  
develop a method for easily cleaning it off!  -  Seth

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