<VV> High Pressure Oil Pump No Corvair
James Davis
jld at wk.net
Tue Mar 14 10:17:47 EST 2006
Most of us know a 14 volt electric drill pill produce 40 psi on a
Corvair oil pump so if doesn't take much to turn it. The hydraulic
hp equation is PQ/1714 x mu.. At 4,000 rpm the stock oil pump puts
out 9 gpm. Plugging this in we get 9 x 40/1714 x .5 or 0.42
hp. That would make the a pump that produced 50% more volume than
stock (13.5 gpm) consume 50% more power or 0.21 hp. For the
skeptics, Flowjet offers a 12V electric sprayer pump that produces 40
psi at 5gpm. It draws 14 amps at 13.4 volts. That is 188 watts and it
takes about 735 watts per hp so 0.25 hp. If we scale up to 9 gpm
that is 0.45 hp
Jim Davis
At 10:45 PM 3/13/2006, Garth Stapon wrote:
>We have a customer that races short track ovals. He runs a V8 water pumper.
>He has a dyno and claims that a regular oil pump drives a sufficient
>volume of oil especially with synthetic oil.
>His position is that running a high flow oil pump just eats HP with
>little or no benefit.
>He suggests a big enough reservoir to keep oil temp below 350 F, but
>too large is just as bad as too small (Cold oil eats HP is his claim).
>This is the weird part. He claimed (from my memory of our
>discussion) that a high flow oil pump can take
>50 % more HP to drive when compared with a standard unit. He dropped
>a number of 50 hp just to drive the oil pump. I just listened and
>thought I would send this out to you folks.
>I was thinking about a high volume oil pump for the Vair, but after
>this discussion, I have second thoughts
>He has a dyno and claims that he has measured the difference.
>Is he blowing smoke????
>Regards, Garth
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