gas price (again!), was: <VV> Octane Availability

Padgett pp2 at
Sun Jul 9 17:11:34 EDT 2006

At 10:03 AM 7/9/2006, airvair wrote:
>Oh shut up. Yesterday I filled up with the "cheap" 87 octane, at

I generally get gas at either the corner Hess (.9 mile) or Sam's when we 
need milk (about 5 miles). Both have 87 ($2.79/gal today) and 93 
($2.99/gal) like most stations in the area (Hess also has 89 but never 
tried) and Orlando is usually higher than other areas in Florida. Think I 
have seen one or two with 91 but are somewhat uncommon.

Don't forget we are pretty near sea level here. is showing one station at 2.74 and a 
smattering beween 2.75 and 2.78 but not real close.

Daily drivers all use 87, just the toys get 93 and both seem happy with it. 
I am running 52 jets in the Corvair so is a little richer/cooler than stock 


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