<VV> Help

TimogensTurbo at aol.com TimogensTurbo at aol.com
Fri Jul 7 09:27:30 EDT 2006

In a message dated 7/7/2006 5:45:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
ste59lin at sonic.net writes:

> I am a new registered user of your site and can't figure out how to change 
> my mailman settings to where I don't get the digest - wish to change to the 
> other option. Also, how do I read past issues - looking for assistance with an 
> engine problem with my 63 Spyder - timing problem/oil cooling system 
> problem. Any assistance in learning how to do these things are much appreciated. 
> Stevan Williams (E-Mail: ste59lin at sonic.net) I am working on my 13th and 14th 
> Corvair cars; these two are "project" cars.
Welcome to the Group!

Stevan, at the bottom of every email you get from us is the URL  to go to..

Change your options: http://www.vv.corvair.org/mailman/options/virtualvairs 

go to the page and log in with the password we sent you when you subscribed,  
otherweise request a new PW  and it will be sent in seconds!

Archives are  listed in the CORSA   /   VV   pages   just click on the month 
you want to look at by subject,  etc.


Or  you can join   www.virtualcorvairclub.com   and they have them there in a 
different format

If pictures are your forte...    www.corvaircenter.com      lots of tech pics 
there with instructions

Matt Nall
stocker, mod, v8, turbo, boat, Sandcar
Timogen was a softy!

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