<VV> What the Heck are Those Things?
Charles Lee at Prop Per
chaz at ProperProPer.com
Tue Jul 4 17:31:46 EDT 2006
Cut a ping-pong ball (or an empty egg shell) in half, and see how easily you
can squeeze it.
Now put one of those canisters on it and see what happens. GGG
Anyway, it seems that if GM left off the rear stabilizer on the earlies to
save money, they must really have thought those gigantic weights in all FOUR
corners were important, doncha think ?
Remember the 1960 Continental 4-door converts ? I think they put 55-gallon
drums in each corner for the same reason. (I think the owners' manual even
said not to open all four doors at the same time, unless it's empty ?)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryan Blackwell" <bryan at skiblack.com>
To: "Stephen Upham" <contactsmu at sbcglobal.net>
Cc: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> What the Heck are Those Things?
> Precisely. The braces put some, but not enough, stiffness back when they
> cut the top off.
> --Bryan
> On Jul 4, 2006, at 4:29 PM, Stephen Upham wrote:
>> OK, that begs the question, why would they only be needed in the
>> convertibles? Is it because body stiffness is reduced by taking the top
>> off?
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