<VV> Pertronix II installation woes
Joe West
joew at diveaz.com
Sat Jul 1 18:01:38 EDT 2006
Hi John,
If there is smoke coming from the wires leading to the Pertronix OR smoke
coming from the Pertronix unit itself; I'll be very surprised if you haven't
done something to destroy it already.
I've installed two of them and if memory serves me correctly, there are only
a few things that you can do wrong from an electrical standpoint:
1) set the gap between the pickup and the magnet incorrectly (I think it
should be .030).
2) Incorrectly connect the positive and negative wires (Red goes the
positive of the coil, black goes to the negative of the coil and you want to
make sure that you have 12V on the coil and not something less due to inline
resistance. Also insure that you have a coil designed for 12V on the
positive... I purchased a matching flamethrower coil for my Pertronix).
3) Ground the unit properly. There is a small ground strap provided with
the kit to ground the pickup plate to the distributor... Make sure this
ground strap is installed.
Other than these three items, I'm not sure there is much else that can go
wrong. Again... If you see smoke, I'd be willing to bet that you did
something wrong and the Pertronix is fried.
Good Luck,
Joe West
On 7/1/06 10:09 AM, "john vujovich" <johnvujovich at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Folks
> Trying (unsucessfully) to install a Ignitor II / Flamethrower II setup. I
> have followed the wiring directions exactly and all are clean and tight on
> my 65 Corsa 140.
> Heres the issue--During 1-2 second start attempts, all I get is a case of
> rapidly heating wires coming from the control module inside the distributor
> cap accompanied by smoke.
> I am hoping that I haven't already fried this thing. Same thing happened
> last yr using the previous version of Pertronix; yet I ran one for a couple
> of yrs w/o any issues.
> I am taking all suggestions to help me get my Vair back on the streets..
> Thanks for any/all advice!
> -John
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