<VV> rust-free western bodies
Chuck Kubin
dreamwoodck at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 29 23:15:04 EST 2006
Hey Kent, Matt and all,
When I came to VV for opinions on whether to section
and rebuild the results of three hit and runs, rebody
the otherwise mostly-restored car, or strip it to put
good parts on a new shell, some of you told be to blow
it off and find a "rust-free western car." I also
mentioned I'm in Denver. I know many of you aren't
familiar with geography west of the California state
line, but there are A LOT of miles betweeen here and
I can't just fly out or drive for 3-4 days every time
a promising car surfaces. All the ads in the world for
solid, running cars in southern California, Nevada and
Arizona for less than $2K mean nothing to me. You all
realize I still have to get there and get the car
home. You also realize that a solid, runnning car that
will safely and reliably make the trip back is
probably too good for me to salvage for just the body.
If I had that kind of time and money, I'd restore
something more valuable than Corvairs. How far and how
much SHOULD I invest when all I need is a workable
I don't need more projects. I need to solve the
problems that keep my current ones off the road.
At the end of the day, it is cheaper and easier to
find something with an at least acceptable body
LOCALLY than to find and truck in a perfect "rust-free
western body" from another state. I'll take Steve
Wren's ad for the rust-free coupe with the 140 as an
example. That would be perfect if it was several
hundred miles closer, and I could be sure that after
not running for "??" years it wouldn't tie up days and
dollars making it roadworthy and reliable.
Chuck Kubin
--- Kent Sullivan <kentsu at corvairkid.com> wrote:
> Matt hit it on the nose here. Additionally, probably
> 90% of the true "rust
> free Western bodies" I've seen were cars that were
> not abandoned in fields
> but instead were some approximation of running
> condition. While many Western
> areas don't get much rain, 30 years of "not much
> rain" into a convertible
> with a shredded top or a coupe with its windows down
> is not going to be
> pretty.
> My '66 500 coupe came from Palmdale, CA, just north
> of LA. I paid around
> $1500 for it and drove it 1400 miles or so home to
> the Seattle area in 1995.
> There was no rust on it anywhere, including inside
> the A pillars. That is
> the type of rust-free Western body that is actually
> out there, in fairly
> large numbers. Especially 500s and Monzas since
> people are more likely to
> hold onto Spyders and Corsas.
> Here's a recent example from someone in my local
> club:
> "I have a '66 Monza coupe, 140, 4 speed. Never
> rusted, very good condition
> overall. It's been sitting, garaged for years. So,
> it needs brakes and gas
> tank flushed. Carbs recently rebuilt, engine turns
> over good, but hasn't
> been started in ?? years.
> Some body work needed at the top of right rear
> quarter due to mild accident.
> Red with black interior. $1000. No less. Pictures
> available via e-mail.
> Steve Wren 425-830-5102 or
> motomachine at comcast.net."
> These kind of ads happen CONSTANTLY out this way.
> I've lived here 16 years. I am still amazed at the
> overall condition of
> vehicles on the West coast as compared to where I
> grew up (Indiana).
> --Kent
> -----Original Message-----
> From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
> [mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf
> Of
> UltraMonzaWest at aol.com
> Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:34 AM
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Subject: Re: <VV> rust-free western bodies
> Chuck! The guys a JUNK PILE HIMSELF! that's not
> where you look....He's
> the WORST ENEMY every CAR has!....
> Colorado / Utah ??? They come to Calif. / Ariz. to
> get good cars! REALLY!
> Most of the cars there...didn't start out
> there!...just broke down there!
> Had you been on The Corvair Center Forum a few
> months ago.....you might have
> beaten Seth. E [ sethracer] to the 65 DRIVER with
> ENGINE...driver...$950!!! The CCF alllows you to
> upload pictures DIRECTLY
> from your PC [ no webspace needed] and so we get to
> SEE the item FIRST
> ...before writing the seller.....let alone driving
> to the gas station...
> Then there's Corvair Central!.......several there in
> the last year....and
> for a DIRECT connection to Ariz..... Virtual
> Corvair Club.....
> And yes..Seth was replacing his RUSTBUCKET racer
> that he ran at Portland
> this year....shows, us leftcoasters will DRIVE to
> get a good one!
> Good luck in your hunt.......right now Ebay has
> approx 13 LM's with over
> half under $1,000......without reserves...most
> closer to you...some look
> decent...
> Matt Nall / Patiomatt / WCUH / Mr. DeckRug
> 69 Monza Cpe., 66 Monza vert, 65 Crown v8 Cpe.
> Somewhere between Reno, NV and Coos Bay, Or.
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