<VV> Needed an interpreter, now need experience

Chuck Kubin dreamwoodck at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 20 20:59:26 EST 2006

Thanks for the rapid response and much more lucid
These sound rather useless for the average Corvair
owner. Anybody have experience with these? I got
curious when I got the idea they might be
significantly brighter than stock.
I also didn't like their explanation of the high
shipping costs. "Standard" my rosy red kisinitch. At
$19+ EACH to deliver, you'd think they are coming on
the space shuttle.


--- JVHRoberts at aol.com wrote:

> E code headlights often have a 'city bulb', which is
> a small bulb wired  like 
> a parking light. It's not focussed like the main
> bulb, but it does light up  
> the headlight housing. Wire 'em up to the parking
> light circuit, or ignore it  
> and connect the main headlight bulb normally. 

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