<VV> my 65 Corsa...the saga continues.

Ryan Verthein daretocorvair at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 15 01:59:10 EST 2006

Hey everyone!

Not getting my hopes up TOO much right now, as I have
a lot of work to do...BUT

I'm ordering the rest of the parts today for the
engine/fuel part of my car, which means that in the
next two weeks, my Corsa (not really, just has the
badges and the dash these days) will be running once

I'm done a lot of tinkering lately getting things
prepped so I can just go ahead and install everything
when it comes to that point.  Getting the pieces onto
the clutch cable (the shoulder connector and jamb
nut), putting insulation on my deck lid (since I had
some sitting around that was the exact amount I needed
for the job)  the wiring harness is almost all put in
place clipped in, the alternator is on...the shrouds
are waiting for hold-down bolts and rubber seals.   I
also tested my starter, and it works well, so I put
that on...

basically, the next couple weeks will consist of,
putting the tank back in, getting everything onto the
engine...and then the hopeful starting and running
that will soon follow that.

I've decided that for now...after the car is on the
road, my friend has a paint sprayer, we're gonn fix
some body panels, take off some rusty stuff, and buy a
gallon of whatever is cheap at NAPA in town, tape er
up and spray a couple of coats to make it look like a
car again!

So, wish me luck.  first clutch I've ever installed,
first distributor I've ever put in a car (which I
realized I've got to take out to prime the oil into
the engine)  a lot of thing s that mechanically
weren't really hard, but firsts for me.

Ryan V. in Bovey

1965 Corsa/110/4
and http://free4allband.tripod.com/corsacorvair.html

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