<VV> Re:VV Respect

Tareece at aol.com Tareece at aol.com
Fri Jan 13 17:08:42 EST 2006

    I've had the same thoughts. I have always wondered why  it is people have 
an ez time of saying "buy the book" in a short, nasty way, but  would never 
do that to the same person face-to-face.
    If someone has taken the time to ask the question, we  owe it a Corvair 
lovers to answer it and then kindly suggest build a library of  Corvair books. 
    We forget after so many years that some in the Corvair  hobby ARE 
newcomers and don't have the knowledge base that most Vair owners do.  Odds are most 
of the owners have been into Vairs for 15-20, and maybe going on  30 to 40 
yrs....(Corsa over 30 yrs in existence I believe)
    So, again, be hospitable to your fellow Vair owners, old  and new. Treat 
them like they are right next to you instead of in Cyberspace. 
    Golden Rule and all that.
     Vairs rock 
In a message dated 1/13/2006 9:01:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
virtualvairs-request at corvair.org writes:

Our  moderator was sending me a "thank you" whenever I tried to provide an  
answer (not always the correct one) to someone with a problem.  While  the 
intention was good, (the thank you) the result was a backfire.   Why? 
Because I went "Underground" and provided answers off line.   That is NOT the 
intent (the way I see it) of  VV.

Todd Reece
65 Corvair Monza  Vert

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