<VV> Re: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 13, Issue 99
bub049 at comcast.net
bub049 at comcast.net
Tue Feb 28 23:09:57 EST 2006
Message: 7
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 10:12:49 -0600
From: "Mike McGowan" <mcvair at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: <VV> Re: March Communique
To: <sarahvair at juno.com>, <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Cc: hljensen at comcast.net
Message-ID: <008001c63c81$d28c84f0$1f01d145 at BLACK>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
The Yenko Stinger stories in the March Communique were assembled by Ed Cunneen
and Bob Dunahugh. Thanks to them, and to James Rice and others who helped by
sending in stories.
--Mike McGowan
----- Original Message -----
From: sarahvair at juno.com
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Cc: hljensen at comcast.net ; mcvair at sbcglobal.net
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:34 AM
Subject: March Communique
EXCELLENT Communique this month. Many thanks to all who participated in the
Yenko articles and especially to James Rice who coordinated it.
Sarah Beltrami
CORSA President
** March Communique???? I'm jealous again this month. Hoping to have it before April.**
Bob Johnston
Frosbite Falls,MN
CORSA since 1972
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