<VV> Hey I just found out...(diff)

Ryan Verthein daretocorvair at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 26 14:35:21 EST 2006

Okay guys....so heres my reply.

1. That diff has probably never been touched. the car
hasn't even run since 1969.  It has been stored with
the original frozen turbo engine sitting in it since

2. When the car is up in the air, and the transmission
is in NEUTRAL, the wheels spin the same way- so
there's your proof.

3. if the car is jacked up, and in gear (not sure
which...forward or reverse) so that both are up in the
air, i have to put my back into it to get them to turn
at all, AND they go in opposite directions.  maybe
it's just cause I'm spinning more stuff though.

So there you have it, some history, and the proof!

WOO!  Hooray for Posi!


--- Andy  Clark <slowboat at mindspring.com> wrote:

> Ryan, if you are depending on just the numbers to
> determine whether or not
> you have a posi, be cautious. The internals may have
> been changed before you
> owned the car. Unless, of course you know its entire
> history.
> Anyway, the point of this is not to throw water on
> your enthusiasm, but to
> offer another, quick and simple way to check. Block
> the front wheels,
> release the hand brake and make sure the trans is in
> neutral. Jack up one
> side of the car up so that one rear wheel is off the
> ground and one is on
> the ground. Now, try to turn (by hand) the wheel off
> the ground. If it turns
> easily- no posi. If you have to really put your back
> in it to get it to
> turn- that's a good posi. If it's not particularly
> hard to turn, the posi is
> worn.
> Easy.
> Hope this helps.
> Andy Clark
> 1966 140/4 Monza Sedan
> 1966 140/4 Yenko Clone
> 1966 180/4 Cord 8/10
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ryan Verthein"
> Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:23 AM
> Subject: <VV> Hey I just found out...(diff)
> > just for the heck of it, I thought I'd look and
> see
> > how you figure out if you have a Posi
> diff...and...I
> > DO!
> >
> > it's AD 06 01  so a June 1st 1965 3:55 Posi
> >
> > hmmm...not sure how that changes anything other
> than
> > needing an additive now.  But it's still kind of
> cool!
> >
> > Ryan
> >
> > 1965 Corsa/110/4
> > http://www.edselmotors.com/corsa.html
> > and
> http://free4allband.tripod.com/corsacorvair.html

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