Tareece at aol.com Tareece at aol.com
Thu Feb 23 15:02:31 EST 2006

Armer writes:

> are some VERY dumb questions that do cross this  list
> and contrary to 
> that old adage that
> there are no  dumb questions .
Some of the past igneriant non-Vair questions for the uninitiated (notice  
proper  spelling of this word makes up for the obviously misspelled  
"ignorant"...This effort at a disclaimer is to deny any future  effort by those who would 
like to claim some sort of intellectual victory  over my argument via the 
misspelled word...However, this disclaimer also  lessens the impact of my point 
about how ignorant some "CX" seem to be when  dealing with newbies)  ...........
.Hey, where the hell is the engine located in a Corvair? I've seen  ads for 4 
cylinder Vair-i-o's... Heeeeey, I like that Camaro....    Whoaaaa, that's a 
Corvette?....Isn't that the car that blows up???...Isn't that  the car that 
rolls over?
   Now, Mr. Armer.....Those questions are stupid. Questions on  seemingly 
simple Corvair problems for those that have been Vair Vets for 35  yrs isn't....
     TO OTHERS___If this subject wasn't important, this  thread would not 
reappear every 10 days (if that FREEKING long)! Behave, choke  on your idiotic 
pride, answer questions with class. IS THAT too damn hard? Now  see, that should 
be a easy, stupid question...But some idiots forgot what ma-ma  and dada 
thought 'em..."Treat others---(Chime in) as you'd like to be  treated"
    I simply say, "LIFCCX". Decode that smart boys...its  been out there for 
a month on sigs and one person has asked me about it....But I  challenge you 
brainiacs to get it right.
Todd Reece
65 Corvair Monza Vert
_LIFCCXS at A_ (mailto:LIFCCXS at A) 

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