<VV> Lock cylinder removal

Marc Sheridan sheridanma at adelphia.net
Thu Feb 16 19:23:53 EST 2006


A paper clip works best for me. You turn the lock to the "accessories" 
position, then insert the paper clip until you "feel" a spring loaded 
button. Once you press on that button, continue to turn the key 
counterclockwise and the cylinder should come loose.

Hope that helps.

Marc Sheridan

>I have a '66 and am trying my darndest to remove the ignition lock 
> As I remember you put the key into the lock and turn it (not sure of
> direction) while pushing a pin into the little hole to release  the 
> cylinder past
> it's detent and pull the whole works straight out. Am I  missing 
> something? It's
> been awhile since I've taken one of these apart. It's  got me perplexed.
> Dave Fierek

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