<VV> Dual Points
Lonny Clark
lclarkpdx at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 19:08:19 EST 2006
I have a dual-point distributor for Corvair, and it is nothing like the
"du-coil" ignition I took out of my GTO (can't get new cap). The dual point
provides good spark and does not lose it's point gap setting like a lot of
early vairs. It does not have vacuum advance, but is reliable and works
well. Mechanical advance can be adjusted by changing weights and springs
The du-coil ignition was in a former racecar, the dstributor runs at half
the speed of the stock distributor, and has two coil inputs - one for each
point set. The rotor has two ends, so that the spark alternates which end is
driving a combustion event. I've never seen another one, but apparently it
was a well-known system back in the day...
On 2/12/06, Smitty Smith <vairologist at verizon.net> wrote:
> From: Ryan Verthein
> Subject: Dual Points-advantages?
> As far as I can tell, the advatage of a dual points system is that each
> set does the job half as much as they do with a single point system....while
> one is firing, the other is closed...so they last twice as long by doing
> half the work.
> True?
> --------------------------------------------
> Smitty says: Dual points came in two flavors. One type the second set of
> points both closed and opened later than the first set. Reduced current
> load compaired to all being on one set as well as extending dwell. The
> other way was to operate each bank of a V-8 for instance on a different set
> of points. That way the lift of the points could be more gentle and prevent
> float at extreme rpm.
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