<VV> (LM) - heater motor

mhicks130 at cox.net mhicks130 at cox.net
Wed Dec 27 22:18:50 EST 2006

> ********************************************
> >>IF you'd fix the heater in the summer......you get to drive around
> with >>the top down and heater on high......which gets rid of all the
> foul odors >>that accompany the 1st use of a FRESH AIR heating system
> that hasn't >>functioned for decades....
> Depending on how many mice (deceased or otherwise) and mouse nests there
> are in the heater ducts, it may take a looong time to get rid of those
> foul odors!
> ********************************************

This is good advice but in my case it wasn't an issue.  My blower motor and heater system worked, it's just the motor was noisy.  It's not anymore.  And it's not stinky.  It's hard to get motivated to change a heater motor in the summer.  


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