<VV> Belts - For Roger
Bill H.
gojoe283 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 20 00:40:58 EST 2006
Roger: Clarks Corvair sells a special wrench that
makes loosening the idler pulley easier. It's not too
expensive (around $17 I think) and it is supposed to
save you a lot of grief if you ever get stuck.
Also, make sure you use WRAPPED belts, not the cheaper
diecut models. The wrapped belts are designed to run
around the unusual 90 degree path of the crankshaft,
generator/alternator, idler, and cooling fan, whereas
the diecut belts are not.
A guy at work owned 2 Vairs many years ago, a Corvan
and a '60 sedan. He told me he used to order belts by
the case, and was constantly flipping them. My guess
is he used the die-cut belts.
Clark's sells the wrapped belts also; one is an Otto
and the other is (I think) their own brand. I have
the Clark's belt on my Monza and it's been fine since
I've gotten the car BE"H.
Good luck my friend...Bill Hershkowitz
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