<VV> NO CORVAIR - Lumina Heater Core
George Jones
georgedjones at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 22:49:33 EST 2006
If you have even the slightes amount of arthritis in your wrists, fingers or
elbows, I'll second Hank's thought on taking it to a shop, but if not, I
would go down to the local FLAPS and browse through one of their books on
your car to get an idea of what you're getting yourself into if you choose
to do it yourself. This is one job that I do recommend a book for. Sometimes
(my Ford experience here) you can pull a couple of bolts and the dash swings
out of the way and the job isn't too bad. Not sure on GM's since I haven't
had to replace one though.
One other thought, and I'm not saying that this is what happened in your
case, but replacement of coolant every two years (along with an engine
flush) will keep the acidic level of the coolant to a level where it doesn't
destroy heater cores as quickly. This is especially important in newer
vehicles where there's plenty of aluminum components mixed in with iron
components. This sets up the perfect circumstances for galvanic corrosion
and electrolysis.
I know someone is going to disagree with this, somehow, but I haven't had to
replace a heater core since I started changing coolant more frequently.
On 12/14/06, kaczmarek at charter.net <kaczmarek at charter.net> wrote:
> Wade-o
> I checked with a Chevy Line Mechanic at the dealer where I worked.
> With the 3.1 engine, Chevy shop labor says 3.1 hours.
> Mechanics usually like to jack up the rate when the customer is paying, so
> anything estimated over 3.5 hours is tryin' to rip ya a new one.
> At that time level it's unlikely that there's any AC interference, and the
> tech didn't mention it --This guy would have.
> Heater Core R&R's are one of the worst jobs to do on a car---take it to a
> reputable shop.
> Regards
> ---- wblanning at adelphia.net wrote:
> > The heater core in my 92 Lumina sprung a leak today. Joy, joy!
> >
> > I don't have a manual, and probably will get one, but was wondering if
> anyone knows how much time it takes to replace the core? Also, does the AC
> system have to be discharged as in some cars?
> >
> > Tx,
> > Wade
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George Jones
Tidewater Corvair Club
Central Virginia Corvair Club
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