<VV> To Telescope or Not To Telescope - That is the Question

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Thu Dec 14 22:40:36 EST 2006


Actually, having dealt with a Corvette guy on this very issue, they only
use SOME of the Corvair tele column parts, and throw the rest away. With
a '67-9 column, they are such rare beasts that it should be considered
heresy to sell one to a Corvette person, for ANY price. This is a case
where there just simply is far too few out there available for Corvair
people to get. I for one would love to get another '67 standard wheel
tele column for my project car. Yea, right. Like THAT is going to
happen. I had to trade one off just to get a '69 column for my '69 coupe
(as reported in my article in a recent CC).

So PLEASE don't even think of selling it to a Corvette person!


ChiefTAM at aol.com wrote:
> I  know I could always sell the
> thing to CORVETTE owners, as I seem to remember  that the Corvair telescoping
> column was the same as the Corvette column, and I  could probably get a
> pretty penny for it, however, that is not something I  really need to do right now.
>  What are those Corvette guys paying now, $700  +?
> Todd in TX

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