<VV> 1966 140 Cross-shaft to Secondaries linkage

James Davis jld at wk.net
Wed Dec 13 10:40:02 EST 2006

Page 6-3 of 1966 Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement.
Jim Davis

At 09:20 PM 12/12/2006, Mike wrote:
>Hey gang,
>I am in need of some assistance with a 1966 Cross-shaft - linkage - 
>how it connects it with the secondaries.
>Does anyone have any pictures of how these things are supposed to go 
>together?  Especially the driver's side?
>Any assistance would be much appreciated - photos even more so!
>mailto:themoose at mindspring.com
>Mike in Atlanta
>1966 140/PG (almost!)
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