<VV> Long nut for idler

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Sat Aug 26 20:16:55 EDT 2006

At 11:18 hours 08/26/2006, Smitty Smith wrote:

>Don't need it, just an ordinary thin wall socket works fine.
>From: "Bryan Blackwell"
> > Try it with a u-joint socket, next best thing to a J tool for the job.
>   ------------------------------------------------
>   Smitty says:  You guys miss the point.  If you make it a habit to 
> keep a spare 9/16 in the glovebox you are covered.  It makes a 
> simple matter to change the belt then.  Sure you can tie up a 
> socket, ratchet handle, U joint socket , or whatever, but a 9/16 is 
> open end won't disable the tool box because almost everybody has a 
> spare.  If you are like me you have several from keeping an eye out 
> for them at garage sales and flea markets just for that purpose.
>   Yeah I know you can do it without the long nut but like I said, 
> with it, it is easy.

Aw, you need to make it more sophisticated and use additional 
tools.     Tim Allen had the right idea; simple is too easy.

Life must be HARD, so that we can all adhere to our Nietzschean ideals.

You need the ratchet, the extension, the swivel, the socket, and a 
screwdriver...  always have to have a screwdriver.   And, a hammer 
handle.   Maybe a band-aid.   And a small can of Go-Jo and a 
rag.   It all makes you look like you're prepared, and that you know 
what you're doing, when viewed by the passers-by who will be checking 
you out.

"That which does not kill us makes us sore."  -- Fredrick Nitchzee

tony..     (has a 1/2x9/16 in the glove box)    

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