<VV> I Have a Dream! - non-Corvair semi-humor
Frank DuVal
corvairduval at cox.net
Wed Aug 16 20:32:34 EDT 2006
Subaru 360's sold here from '68 to '71 had rear hinge doors. They had a
little rubber strap that kept the door from hitting the quarter panel.
Of course if you opened it above about 10 mph the straps did not hold,
and many had dented quarters!
And then there are the rear doors on '50 Studebakers and mid 60's
Lincoln convertables.
Known to us car guys as suicide doors.
Frank DuVal
WillSmithTFPOCAllenTexas wrote:
>I want to invite all you guys with auto industry connections to use your influence and adopt my Dream and get it into near-future car production. The Dream is rear-hinged doors...we surely have the technology to make them safe and they would make it so much easier for old boomers with big feet [and boomer men, too] to get in and out. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to get in and out without causing yourself great pain from contortion? Let's make a change! Has anything since '34 had them? [Wow, that's 72 years of contortion. That's not good!] If not rear-hinged then swing the doors up like the custom shops are putting on...gee whiz it's only a hinge...I want to be able to get in/out of my high-tech new car with less pain/effort. Let's make the Terrorists really hate us!
>Will Smith
>"The Fresh Prince of Corvair"
>WANTED: 66 Monza vert, 110, pg, white top, no rust, great condition, driver for Parade Duty and taking kids for a ride in something they've never seen plus playing "Find the Motor".
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