<VV> PG leak

TimogensTurbo at aol.com TimogensTurbo at aol.com
Sun Aug 13 00:44:47 EDT 2006

In a message dated 8/12/06 7:41:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, pp2 at 6007.us 

> "The Classic Corvair" (pg 202) describes various fixes that 
> sound good except for one thing:- just where is the leak typically ? The 
> O-ring or the cable itself ? If the cable, where on the cable is it leaking 
> ?
> And yes, I have the 21 9/16" dipstick.

The black coating on the cable housing cracks with age.....RTV  and 
shrinkwrap fixes that...otherwise the TV  shaft o-ring leaks as the level goes up on 
the pan....2 or 3  instead of just one fixes that!

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