<VV> Generator light on - not now!

Doug Mackintosh dougmackintosh at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 12 19:47:57 EDT 2006

Need some advice from the wise sages of Virtual Vairs. My daughter's '64 Spyder was working fine when parked (about 5 days ago). When she started it today to go visit a friend the generator light would not go out. Revving the engine did not make it go out. Grounding the Field terminal (jumper from generator Field terminal to the battery ground strap) did not make it go out. 
  About an hour later we were doing a few final checks before replacing the generator. Checked voltage from the Regulator BAT terminal to the battery ground strap. Read about 12.67 V before starting the car. Read the same or less after starting, likewise when revved up. Shut car off and Leigh said the light had gone out just before shutting off. Re-started. It read 13.01 V while idling, Grounded field terminal, it read 17 + Volts. Seems to be working fine now (we just finished a 1 hour cruise). 
  So what could have caused this? Could the brushes have developed an insulating coating while it sat for 5 days, which "wore off"? Or is it an intermittant problem that means we should go ahead an swap out the generator now.
  The generator is an old one of unknown provenence "borrowed" from my project car about 4 years ago. The brushes were replaced a couple of years ago.

-- Doug Mackintosh
  Corsa member since 1996
  Corsa/NC member since 1996,  Virtual Vairs member
  Corvair owner 1969-1971 and 1996-on
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