<VV> A Less Competitive Concours

P.H. Raker n556p at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 8 10:41:13 EDT 2006

Hello, Dave, Norm, all,
     I agree with both of you.  You both have expressed some really
great ideas.  How about a class where driving to the show is mandatory
(no trailers allowed), and the only prep allowed is 10-15 minutes to
wash off recent bugs & such and remove loose items from the interior
and trunk?  It would be essentially a "run-what-you-brung" class.
     Phil Raker
     65 Corsa 140

> What if you had a concours class that did not judge the bottom of the

> car? I agree that for someone like me who likes to drive his
> Corvairs, concours isn't an option.
> Norm 
> > If there were only one change I could make to the Corsa convention,

> > it would be to turn the car display into a full-fledged car show 
> > with multiple classes that is held separate from the concours
> > Saturday).  Make it a judged show (to avoid the buddy-voting bias),

> > but to lower standards than the concours.  
> >
> > snip

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