<VV> Nnot only paint colors,
what is the best type of paint to use?
Ray Rodriguez
reray at echoes.net
Thu Apr 20 12:51:13 EDT 2006
By far the most popular paint these days is Basecoat/Clearcoat acrylic
enamel. I personally prefer single stage acrylic enamel myself. Modern
paints are wondrous but I dont like the whole two stage process, and I've
seen too many cars where the clear started separating from the basecoat
further down the road. Dont hesitate to have BC/CC put on by a real pro,
but amateur jobs seem to be prone to separating eventually.
The main thing I will tell you is that if you want a really high
quality finish find a shop that wet sands the car and buffs it after the new
paint is applied. This gives you a smoother harder finish that will look
better and last longer. A lot of shops just spray the paint, dry it and put
it out the door. There are a couple reasons they do this:
1) its much less labor intensive, therefore cheaper
2) a brand new paint job that has never been washed, touched, buffed etc.
has no swirl marks whatsoever. This looks great to the untrained eye. When
you wet sand and buff the car you will see swirl marks in the sun if you
look hard no matter how well done it is. The catch here is that the first
time you hand wash that fresh new paint its going to get swirl marks in it
much worse then the buffed job.
This info comes from the 8 months I spent working in a body shop trying
(unsuccessfully) to learn the trade. The shop I worked in did not wet sand
and buff and I saw the result on a daily basis. The shop I send my nice
cars to for paint does wet sand and buff. In fact I sent one of my cars to
this other shop for paint while working at the other shop!
I hope this helps!
Ray Rodriguez
65 Corsa 140/4
66 500 coupe PG
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cepak, Tom A" <tom.a.cepak at lmco.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 2:04 PM
Subject: RE: <VV> Nnot only paint colors,what is the best type of paint to
> After my wife reciently saw several very nicely painted Corvairs, she is
> now suggesting I have my EM convert painted. I would paint it myself,
> but unfortunatly, the neighborhood we moved to has VERY restraining deed
> restrictions. I know from experience that my NEIGHBORS will, without
> blinking an eyelid, turn me into the homeowners association or the city
> if I even thought about painting my Corvair inside my garage (they
> turned me in for doing a tune-up in my driveway).
> Since I plan on keeping this Corvair for a long while, how do I
> determine the best type of paint to be used?
> Do you guys have any suggestions on how to even pick the right paint and
> body shop?
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
> [mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of tkalp at cox.net
> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:36 PM
> To: virtualvairs at skiblack.com
> Subject: Re: <VV> Now paint colors
> When I was looking at colors to paint my LM Corvairs, I was amazed to
> find that a LM Corvair looks great in light colors and dark colors,
> bright colors and subdued colors. The only "bad" color I have seen is
> beige with primer spots (sorry Ned). Before the EM guys get in an uproar
> I have never had to pick a color for an EM so the pattern may hold there
> also. It says a lot for the design of the Corvair.
> Terry Kalp
> http://members.cox.net/rarevair/corvair.htm
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