<VV> 63 Spyder Wiring
Eric S. Eberhard
flash at vicspdi.com
Wed Apr 19 16:11:06 EDT 2006
62 Spyders had a resistor block -- wire comes in one side from the
harness, out the other to the coil. To bypass, simply run the coil
wire from the same side as the harness wire. To look really nice you
can simply destroy the resistor by unscrewing it and soldering a
10-12 gauge wire across the terminals. Then the external wiring
looks correct and there is no resistance.
At 05:45 PM 4/18/2006, R. Stalder wrote:
>Yes, this is a Spyder with external and separate resistor. I have
>only 1 wire from the resistor to the + side of the coil. But I have
>the red wire from the ignitor going to the resistor on the opposite
>side of the coil wire. Then I have a condenser hooked to the + side
>of the coil. I have the black Ignitor wire and the Tach connected
>to the - coil.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: BobHelt at aol.com
> To: stalder at cox.net ; Flat6Vair at insightbb.com ; virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:05 PM
> Subject: Re: <VV> 63 Spyder Wiring
> In a message dated 4/18/2006 10:42:57 AM US Mountain Standard
> Time, stalder at cox.net writes:
> I have my engine wired up now with an ignitor I. I hooked the
> black wire to the neg side coil and the red to the harness side of
> the resistor. The rest of the wiring is done per the diagram in
> Bob's book. I can't start it yet because I have not installed a
> gas tank. But when I have the ignition on to work on other
> electrical issues I sometimes get smoke form the resistor. Not
> always though. I turn everything off as soon as notice
> smoke. Does anyone now why this happens?
> Hi,
> I'm confused. This is a Spyder with an external and separate
> resistor, right?
> If so, now you should have only one wire going from the resistor
> to the + side of the coil. Check that there aren't other wires
> connected to that terminal on the resistor (or coil). The resistor
> block is only a dropping resistor between the +12v from the ign
> switch and the coil. It serves the same function as the resistance
> wire on the other Corvairs. If there is only one wire on that
> resistor terminal,disconnect it and see if you get the smoke. But
> I'll bet there is something else connected there besides the coil.
> PS the tach connects to the - side of the coil.
> Let us know the results.
> Regards,
> Bob Helt
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