<VV> Re: Insurance : "No fear,
no sale" - afraid NOT to have insurance ? and so,
the cycle continues
Charles Lee at Prop Per
chaz at ProperProPer.com
Sun Apr 16 22:21:11 EDT 2006
Supply and demand - if cars didn't get stolen, no one would need theft
insurance, and even high premiums just get passed to the consumer, who is
afraid NOT to have insurance, and so, the cycle continues.
----- Original Message -----
From: "airvair" <airvair at richnet.net>
To: "Bill Elliott" <corvair at fnader.com>
Cc: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; <NicolCS at aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Re: Unsafe At Any Speed
> Interesting thread. I'd like to toss out an observation.
> While auto safety would probably have progressed under "market pressure"
> without government regulations, it certainly would have done so at a
> comparative snail's pace for the simple reason that big business REALLY
> doesn't listen well to consumers. Never has, never will, without
> coercion from the "law of the land."
> Point of example: Did you know that the technology exists (and has for
> at least several years) that would make cars virtually theft-proof. I've
> actually seen it demonstrated! Would you pay the small amount (probably
> only a couple of hundred dollars, if that) for even an OPTION that would
> all but guarantee that your vehicle would be theft-proof? I know I
> would, and I don't even live in a high-crime area! But do you see even
> ONE manufacturer offering such a package? NO. You know why? Because it
> isn't in the manufacturers' best interest to do so, and NOT because
> there's no market for it. Think of it. For every car stolen and/or
> stripped to the point of being totalled, the manufacturer gets to sell
> another car to replace it. And the insurance companies don't care,
> really. They can just charge more in premiums to cover the costs. So as
> a result, we the consumers don't get that technology even as an OPTION.
> Same story with auto safety.
> Sometimes, it takes a good, "legal" kick-in-the-seat-of-the-pants for
> good things to happen, even if it grates against your "capitalist"
> heart. And don't think for a minute that I condone runaway socialistic
> government, either. Just pointing out a "fact of life."
> -Mark
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