<VV> padding the profit--caveat emptor

Ken Wildman k-wildman at onu.edu
Fri Apr 7 22:15:55 EDT 2006

At 09:01 PM 4/7/2006, Chuck Kubin wrote:

>Hey gang,
>On EBay right now is a '67 Chevy Astro I concept show
>car brochure for $8, item 8050444481. Before you wet
>yourself over this hard-to-find item, consider that I
>asked the seller  why he is charging $4.50 for


>So here's my important point. You will pay more than
>$8 for this brochure. Whatever he makes on it
>increases by the $3.25 he will make from the big fat
>favor of having him mail it to you.

You haven't used ebay much, have you.   <grin>

This is typical of the sale of small, or low cost items.  Often all the 
profit is in the s/h fees and the item itself goes for pennies.

Of course you can beat him at this.  Just don't bid.

Me, I look at the total cost -bid plus s/h and decide if the item is worth 
the TOTAL.  I'm not concerned about HIS profit, I'm concerned about how 
valuable the item is to me and how much total I'm willing to pay.

But, whatever works for you,

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