<VV> Blacklisted?

UltraMonzaWest at aol.com UltraMonzaWest at aol.com
Wed Apr 5 14:30:09 EDT 2006

In a message dated 4/5/2006 10:46:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
airvair at richnet.net writes:

> I just sent Harry &Mike an email, and got the below kicked back at me.
> Since I'm not a computer geek, could someone please explain to me in
> plain English what just happened? Thanks.

Someone on Richnet has been spamming!   Comcast   BLOCKED any and ALL mail 
from Richnet!     

This happens occasionally.....Contact YOUR  isp..Richnet and ask them to 
clear it up!

This is why you should have an alternate email addy.....like at 
Yahoo...Juno...Hotmail...  ALL FREE!

Matt Nall / Patiomatt / WCUH / Mr. DeckRug
69 Monza Cpe., 66 Monza vert, 65 Crown v8 Cpe.
Somewhere between Reno, NV and Coos Bay, Or.
http://members.aol.com/patiomatt    Corvair Info!

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