<VV> Re: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 15, Issue 10--Convention

Taruffi57 at aol.com Taruffi57 at aol.com
Mon Apr 3 14:30:49 EDT 2006

In a message dated 4/3/2006 12:03:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
virtualvairs-request at corvair.org writes:

If you  mean that to get to any other state we start by heading north, you 
are  right. Buffalo is 1230 miles and Detroit is 1200. From where I sit they  
appear to be on either end of a big lake that's half  in  Canada
That's what I was trying to say.   For me, Buffalo OR   Detroit are like next 
door to each other.  Draw a straight line from  Orlando to either and you 
will see what I mean.  On the other hand, if no  one else bid it then it looks 
like the Board had no choice.
Joe Dunlap
Cen. Florida

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