<VV> VetteFest_Day2

J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Sun Apr 2 23:42:58 EDT 2006

Lots more pictures - and a real TREAT for anyone looking for a Greenbrier 

CCE had 9 cars (vehicles) at the event.  There were 2 OTHER Vairs there as 
well.  One, a nice early '61 4 dr in unmolested condition and also a '64 
Greenbrier camper - also in unmolested condition.  Both were quite nice 
originals - a blem or two, but nothing serious.

The camper is for sale and the owner is not even sure what the price should 
be.  Actually, two guys own it together and they are both named Tony. 
Contact phone # is 847 543-8112.

Pics are at: 

Please excuse the cross post - but I thought it only fair that both groups 
(VV and Corvanatics) receive the info.

Attachments (if any) are scanned with anti-virus software.

Later, JR

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