<VV> Re: Detroit in '07

Joseph Robbins robbins at mail.monticello.net
Sun Apr 2 14:54:05 EDT 2006

Being a former BOD member from IL, I know that MI is in the Central
Division. There are many reasons the conventions are located where they are.
Current BOD people can answer this but it comes down to clubs having the
willingness,  number of members, and a few people willing to work their
butts off for a couple of years to pull the show off. My hat is off to those
that have over the years, done the hard and mostly thankless job it must be
to be the Convention Chair.

Best way to get the site where you want it, is to get your club to do a bid,
or get on the BOD and have some say in the vote as to where it will be.
Remember, sometimes there is only one bid so we must be extra thankful that
a club stepped up to do it or the show. 

Joe Robbins

-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org [mailto:virtualvairs- 
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 12:39 PM

2 in a row in the NorthEast?

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