<VV> Megasquirt / Mikuni TB's 38 mm
UltraMonzaWest at aol.com
UltraMonzaWest at aol.com
Tue Sep 27 15:49:08 EDT 2005
In a message dated 9/27/2005 11:25:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
westerncanadacorsa at shaw.ca writes:
> Which is EXACTLY what one person running at PIR at the convention had done.
> They fabbed up adapter plates similar to those used in the Otto Rotated Carb
> set up and, Voila! A simple yet effective way to FI a 140 motor.
> Regards,
> Joel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
> [mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org]On Behalf Of walt matenkosky
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 11:09 AM
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Subject: <VV> Megasquirt
> There are a number of people on my Datsun 510 list using Megasquirts. I
> thought I'd mention that one of them has discovered that late-model Suzuki
> large displacement bikes use individual throttle bodies of various diameters
> that can easily be adapted to other engines. Best part is that they can be
> had at reasonable prices with a little searching.
> Walt
That's Mark Wright solo2r.........
Matt Nall / Patiomatt / WCUH / Mr. DeckRug
69 Monza Cpe., 66 Monza vert, 65 Crown v8 Cpe.
Somewhere between Reno, NV and Coos Bay, Or.
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