Fwd: Re: <VV> Delco Radio Repair

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 24 21:48:14 EDT 2005

>Try Fred's Classic Radio Repair in KS.  I have his snail mail and phone if 
>you need it, other probably have his email.  He is a long time CORSA 
>member.  Don't bet your pink slip if his wife wants to race you <g>
>At 06:31 PM 9/24/2005, you wrote:
>>Some time ago I recall seeing a place in Texas that was repairing 60s and 
>>70s Delco Radios for reasonable prices but have lost the link. Anyone 
>>know of it ? I have a couple of '60s Delco AM-FM radios that are 
>>candidates to replace my dysfunctional AM with some faceplate and 
>>pushbutton juggling but first they need to work properly.

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