<VV> Update "30 year old Communique articles" for "Gen-Vair"
(new) CORSA membership
Charles Lee
chaz at properproper.com
Mon Sep 5 13:35:58 EDT 2005
What if someone (who has the knowledge) were to re-write a "30 year old
articles" and update it for the "new Generation" ("Gen-Vair") ?
Some of the tech articles could use some new info, new parts source
references, new perspective, etc, doncha think ?
Fill in the gaps, add new relevant info, etc ?
Would the original author mind ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan & Synde" <dsjkling at sbcglobal.net>
To: "Virtual Vairs Submission" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Cc: <corvair65 at verizon.net>
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 9:54 AM
Subject: <VV> RE:declining membership in CORSA and the Communique
> Hi all,
> What I think needs to happen is the longtime members need to share their
> wisdom by writing articles. The younger membership shouldn't be required
> to
> pull themselves up by their own bootstraps as much. I think that is what
> Russ Moorhead meant in his post. Some of the 30+ year old articles are
> still relevant too and I'd venture to say that there are quite a few
> members
> who have never read them. If Corsa isn't getting enough articles, what is
> wrong with filling the space with a few classic articles? A thirty year
> old
> article is only dull if you read it 30 years ago. Thing is my memory
> isn't
> that good so I'd think it was a new article!! I've got a box of old
> Corsas
> dating back to the 70's and 80's and I have to say there are many article
> in
> them that would do very well repeated for the younger membership. I
> picked
> up those old Corsas because I knew there would be pearls of wisdom in them
> but older Corsas are getting harder to find. Those article dealing with
> unique versions of the Corvair, history, insider employee stories are
> among
> my favorite. I've been a member of Corsa since the early 90's and have
> never written an article for it so I'm guilty too. Guess I need to get
> off
> my a** and write a few articles for the newbees!
> Dan Kling
> 1961 Greenbrier Deluxe, 4spd, 3.89 On the Road Again, yeehaw :)
> 1963 Spyder, restored 4spd Saginaw
> 1967 Ultravan #299 Newest of the herd!! Almost killed me already!!
> http://photos.yahoo.com/duchesskyra
> A few pictures of the Greenbrier, more to come!
> On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 22:04:24 Kent Sullivan wrote:
> <snip>
> <The Communique depends on YOU for submissions>
> <snip>
> <Please don't hope that someone else is going to submit something--do it
> <yourself!
> <snip>
> On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 05:16:16 Ken Wildman wrote:
> <snip>
>>After 30 years of publication, I think the magazine would be just a tad
>>dull if they kept repeating the same articles.
> <snip>
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