<VV> Starter kicks off

Dan & Synde dsjkling at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 1 22:31:53 EDT 2005

Hi Steve,

First thing I'd check would be the solenoid.  Disconnect the battery first,
remove the large primary cable on the starter, usually a 5/8" nut.  Remove
the two smaller wires paying attention to the colors and orientation of
these.  One is a start wire, the other a run wire.  The starter itself is
held on by two 9/16 bolts.

With the starter off, disconnect the solenoid by removing 3 screws, two up
by starter nose end and one back by the terminals.  Twist the solenoid about
90 degrees and pull off.  What you want to see is that the solenoid piston
moves freely within the solenoid coil and that it isn't binding. Make sure
it isn't gummed up with grease or something.  If it is then clean it and
install it dry.  Make sure that the plastic liner in the solenoid isn't
melted or cracked which could cause the piston to hang up.  If the liner is
melted or cracked, you will need to replace the solenoid.

With the solenoid removed grab the piston and move it back and forth.  It
should move smoothly throughout its travel.  If it doesn't, check to see if
the starter gear is gummed up on the starter shaft or what else could be
hanging it up.

Back to the solenoid.  Carefully remove all the nuts from the rear terminals
and lift the bakelite cover off the rear of the solenoid and inspect the
contacts.  There is a large copper washer that energizes the starter motor
when the solenoid is triggered.  Basically, it connects the big battery
terminal to the starter motor winding.  The copper washer only contacts on
one side and thus can be flipped if it is badly pitted.  You can dress the
contact on the bakelite cap with a file if necessary.  Quite often it is
this pitted copper washer and contact that cause the symptoms you describe.
You could just replace the solenoid but if it isn't burnt up or damaged then
the washer flipping trick usually will fix it for a long time.

Good Luck,

Dan Kling

1961 Greenbrier Deluxe, 4spd, 3.89  On the Road Again,  yeehaw :)
1963 Spyder, restored   4spd Saginaw
1967 Ultravan #299  Newest of the herd!! Almost killed me already!!

A few pictures of the Greenbrier, more to come!

 >When cold, my starter will kick off as soon as it engages the flywheel or
it will just kick
>off altogether.

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