<VV> Petronix Improvements
Joe West
joew at diveaz.com
Thu Oct 27 07:53:25 EDT 2005
Hi Smitty,
No reason to resent it when people say that it made their cars run better...
mine was a completely restored Corvair that I went through down to every
last nut and bolt... and it improved the performance of my Corvair. My
distributor was (and is) fine, good points, new coil and coil wires... and
still under full boost the engine would bog down. Per someone's suggestion
on this list, I replaced the stock coil with a flamethrower and added
Pertronix, gapped the plugs wider, and I received an instant performance
Could something have been wrong in my ignition system and the Pertronix
cured it? Well sure... but after replacing the coil twice to fix the
problem, that sure wasn't it. Points? No... I can set and gap them in my
sleep. Dwell bouncing around? Nope... rock solid. I'm at a loss of what
it could have been.
The fact is; even if putting in a Pertronix simply masks another problem...
if it makes your car run better... GREAT!!!
Now... all this being said; I think running points is much cooler because it
is the way the factory meant it to be.... and I'm a stock NUT.
However... My Spyder just didn't want to run under extreme conditions (like
crappy Arizona gas and full boost) on points... but it sure runs great on
On 10/26/05 8:40 PM, "Hubert A Smith" <vairologist at juno.com> wrote:
> Smitty says: I have been very vocal in the past about denying the "need"
> for electronic points replacements. People come to me at shows etc and
> say" how come you don't like them"? Heck I don't dislike them. I just
> think people put them in for the wrong reasons some times. Sometimes a
> guy will put one in when his distributor is very worn and dwell is all
> over the map and then brag up the Petronix as a cure. Then again he
> might add a hot coil when he puts it in and then brag up the Petronix as
> better than stock. 8 out of ten turbo owners(if they will admit the
> truth) don't even know their car came with a coil that was hotter than
> stock. I still say that a points ignition in top condition is perfectly
> adequate for anything but open track use. I really resent hearing how
> someone stuck a Pertronix in their old clapped out car and how much
> better it ran. It just shows that a lot of people didn't respect their
> machinery enough to maintain it properly in the first place. If you want
> to put one in your car, be my guest but when you tell how much better it
> made it run you may be revealing something about yourself.
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