<VV> New Garage - Heating
dcvjrv at comcast.net
dcvjrv at comcast.net
Sun Oct 23 08:07:53 EDT 2005
Morning Hank,
I am thinking very seriously about installing radiant heat in the slab. I have
had several people respond and that seems to be the general consensus
at this time.
Thanks again,
Jim V.
At 03:57 AM 10/23/2005 Sunday, henry kaczmarek wrote:
>Hi Jim
>Interesting project ---you must take pictures as it progresses.
>If you have the bread, and it might be worth the expenditure of the
>extra bread to keep warm over a Michigan winter, to get a radiant
>heat system installed. I don't know how easy it is to do with
>concrete, but at least the slab will stay warm, and heat rises, so
>as it does it should keep it warm.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "BBRT" <chsadek at adelphia.net>
>To: "Virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs at skiblack.com>; <dcvjrv at comcast.net>
>Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 11:03 PM
>Subject: Re: <VV> New Garage - Heating
>>Re the heat. With the ceiling open, it will be tough as all of it
>>will go up there and it will be nice and toasty in the attic...You
>>might want to reconsider the ceiling, or partition part of it and
>>put a ceiling in that. Working in a cold garage is only slightly
>>better than outside. And once the floor gets cold, it is COLD.
>>Consider putting plastic sheeting beneath the concrete floor plus
>>insulation under the concrete-before they pour it.
>>You can think about putting piping in the floor and running hot
>>water thru it. A warm floor will help a lot.
>>Don't know what to tell you without the ceiling. It is a big area.
>>Good l;uck.
>>Chuck S
>>----- Original Message ----- From: <dcvjrv at comcast.net>
>>To: "Virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs at skiblack.com>
>>Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 10:54 PM
>>Subject: <VV> New Garage - Heating
>>>I am in the process of building a garage to store and work on my
>>>vehicles. It will be 50' x 64' with 13' from floor to bottom of trusses
>>>and will be clear span. I am looking for comments and
>>>recommendations as to the best type of heat to install. I am located
>>>in Southeastern Michigan, so it does get cold here. I am considering
>>>gas, electric or radiant heat. The walls will be drywalled (sheet rocked)
>>>and the ceiling will be left open.
>>>Thanks for any and all comments and recommendations.
>>>Jim V.
>>>1964 Chevrolet Corvair Spyder Convertible
>>>dcvjrv at comcast.net
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