Eric S. Eberhard
flash at vicspdi.com
Mon Oct 17 18:52:34 EDT 2005
Please don't reply off-line, I would like to see your answers too :-)
At 10:11 AM 10/17/2005, you wrote:
>The writer asks: "any secret to keeping wire wheels tight?"
>The response is that I'm not entirely sure it is a secret as much as
>it is just an almost lost art. Wires, of course, were designed to
>be lighter than a solid wheel. With knock-offs, splined hubs and
>the ubiquitous leather hammer, it was an easy thing to change the
>wheel quickly. However, spinners became hazardous, I suppose, when
>someone thought about the demise of Isadora Duncan one too many
>times. Thank God they didn't outlaw Bugattis..or maybe they did!
>In any case, the purpose of the wires is to stabilize the rim in at
>least two ways: it keeps the rim equidistant from the hub and it
>keeps the edge of the rim in line with the direction of the rotating
>wheel. What I believe is happening to your friend is that the
>wheels are probably being balanced before they have been
>straightened. If the wheels are not straight, they are more than
>likely out of alignment in both these directions and, because
>certain spokes are more stressed than others, which is to say some
>are doing the work that other spokes are not, the spokes will loosen
>even more often.
>Truing a wire wheel is no job for an amateur, although I should just
>send you to the book or archives: (Sorry! Couldn't
>resist!) Although I could reproduce the procedure here, I fear that
>would be counterproductive for this forum. Please contact me
>offline and I will try to brush away the cobwebs in my old brain and
>help you out.
>Ron Byers,
>Largo, FL
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