<VV> Logos - plaques, t-shirts, etc
J R Read_HML
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 13 14:13:12 EDT 2005
The Ky shirt is one of my favorites. I wear it frequently.
A partial way around the supply VS demand problem is to have the logos on
(don't know the technical names here) a "press apply" sheet and then apply
to the size shirt desired right at the point of sale. Of course, the
pre-ordered ones would still be made up in advance. This suggestion would
be for the "after-market" shirts. And, there would still be a need to have
the appropriate amount of appliqué sheets on hand for the transfer process.
Attachments (if any) are scanned with anti-virus software.
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Scarboro" <scarboro at trgpsc.com>
To: "Bagley, Ray (KUCC)" <bagleyr at kennecott.com>;
<westerncanadacorsa at shaw.ca>; "Virtual Vairs (E-mail)"
<virtualvairs at corvair.org>; "Chapters (E-mail)" <chapters at corvair.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:16 AM
Subject: <VV> RE: <CORSA Chapters> Logos - plaques, t-shirts, etc
> hey guys, when we did our logo for 2004 international we kept in mind the
> kids on purpose.parents/ grandparents go to a convention bring back
> children
> a souvenier t-shirt. we also wanted a ky theme obviously. ordinarily
> they
> don't even offer small sizes because they just don't sell. we did anyway
> and
> sold a bunch (cant remember the exact count). we also had printed an
> additional 20% more shirts than usual because we thought we were going to
> have a large attendance and we did. even w/ that we could of sold a lot
> more
> but we ran out and it would of taken 3 days for a re-order.---so yes,
> there
> are talented people in our circle that can design to young and old
> tastes..take care, greg scarboro
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