<VV> "Lazy" Thermostat?
J R Read_HML
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 21 23:03:45 EST 2005
Lft side always opens first and closes last. Drive it further and check Rt
side while hot and still running. Could also be that it is adjusted with
the door closed just a bit too tightly (too much tension on the
thermostat) - may need to run the adjustment pin further out (nearly to the
end of the rod).
Attachments (if any) are scanned with anti-virus software.
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Headley" <robedinpurple at yahoo.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 9:29 PM
Subject: <VV> "Lazy" Thermostat?
> Hi All,
> Been working on a few last minute items before the
> winter stops me from doing any more. I had asked
> about adjusting thermostat doors when putting on the
> shrouds I recently acquired. I did one side and took
> it for a spin, and the door opened when it got hot, no
> problem. I did the other side later because I wanted
> to see if an oil leak was fixed (it was). When I went
> for a spin, this side didn't open at all (passenger
> side). I had to block it open to go the rest of the
> way back home. The adjustment pin was almost all the
> way to the end of travel (end of the rod), but still
> the door didn't budge. I thought these were designed
> to fail open. Mine definitely had to be pulled out to
> attach the door (doesn't seem failed), so what gives?
> Do they ever get "lazy"? Do I have a part problem or
> an adjustment problem? Advice is appreciated.
> Vehicle is a 64 monza w/110.
> -John Headley
> 64 monza convert
> Royal Oak, MI
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