Chuck Kubin
dreamwoodck at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 19 13:48:42 EST 2005
Hey Lon, Cal and all our other faithful vendors,
Rest assured the customer is NOT always right. The
customer is always the customer.
Having been in jobs that have some element of customer
service since Christ was a corporal, I share with you
the experience of dealing with people who will
complain if their ice cream is cold. In fact, I'm
part way through a book that provides a funny (often
hysterical view) of just that sort of thing.
I actually admire a businessman who will let a
customer push them just so far. "I would do ANYTHING
to make a customer happy" is so overated, so untrue,
and so phony. Why would you WANT someone to come back
once they realize they were successful in pushing you
into something that satisfied their need to shove
someone around, at your expense? I'm not talking a
fair exchange for a defective product, but about
unreasonable demands.
Feel free to say when enough is enough. I'll back you.
Most recently, a Dodge dealership sent me a letter
offering me more than top bluebook for my 2002 Dakota.
I primarily wanted to know what it was worth in trade,
but they went through the whole new car deal before I
could hear it. Without looking at the truck, they
offered a trade-in at $2300 below what I got off the
internet just before going to the dealership. The
salesman said they go by some sort of "Denver-area
trade-in index" or some other nonsense, and his jaw
hit the floor when I showed him the letter. His sales
manager, who drew up the papers, said I was right,
adjusted the trade-in (showing me printed numbers).
Despite this obvious dishonesty, I stuck around. The
sales manager massaged what I WANT in a truck to meet
his inventory, then eventually showed me a green Ford
F-250 Lariat with a deisel that someone traded in and
was slated to go to auction. He would offer me a
MASSIVE trade-in, MASSIVE rebates and I could have it
for less than what I'd pay for the new Dakota I
considered. An exceptionally great deal on something
I didn't want. I pointed out that 2wd was the only
point that matched the big truck to what I had in min
and reminded him that firends don't let friends drive
He told me five times how willing he was to find me
the best deal, as I was a repeat customer and his new
manager is willing to make huge sacrifices for repeat
business, He was going to spend the rest of the
weekend scouring the state's inventory to get a truck
close to what I wanted and call me Monday.
Last Monday.
No need for me to call or go back.
--- corvairs <lonwall at corvairunderground.com> wrote:
> Ah but the customer is always right - I've heard it
> repeated many times
> in this venue. Yes, there will be more adventures of
> Vendorman as I can
> remember them and (oh please no) if new ones happen.
> Unfortunatly the
> adventures of vendorman are all true stories.
> Sad..........Lon
> UltraMonzaWest at aol.com wrote:
> >Looks like VM is softy! I'd've hung up after the
> 2nd attempt to get a
> >rational statement...
> >
> >Matt Nall
> >65/66/69/DB/BT
> >Coos Bay, Ore.
> >
> >
> >
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