<VV> Re: 2006 convention / passports
John Hopkins
hopkins.jw at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 11:49:09 EST 2005
A prior DUI is also grounds for no admittance (if they choose to ask):
from http://www.amcits.com/entry_ca.asp :
Criminal Record
Anyone with a criminal record (including a drunk driving conviction)
may be excluded from Canada. A waiver of exclusion may be issued but
several weeks are required and a processing fee must be paid. Contact
the Canadian Embassy or a Canadian Consulate in the U.S. or use the
link below for more information.
Williston, VT
1966 Corsa Convertible
Corsa member
On 11/10/05, Kent Sullivan <kentsu at corvairkid.com> wrote:
> And if you have any unresolved blemishes on your drive record (say an unpaid
> speeding ticket in a state), Canada may not let you in. Even if the state /
> U.S. is not actively pursuing you for them. This happened to a CORSA Oregon
> member who was traveling with us to a Western Canada CORSA event a couple of
> years back.
> --Kent
> -----Original Message-----
> From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
> [mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Gary Swiatowy
> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:57 AM
> To: henry kaczmarek; virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Subject: Re: <VV> Re: 2006 convention / passports
> Other things to consider if crossing into Canada and back while here.
> Radar Detectors are forbidden in Canada, don't get caught driving across the
> bridge with one.
> Common sense dictates that you should know that weapons are forbidden as
> well.
> But whatever you do, do not bring any fruit or other produce across, either
> in or out of Canada. Most people don't realize that especially if you see
> all the farmers markets in the imediate area along the Ontario Parkway. A
> Canadian friend of mine had his trunk searched coming into the US, he had
> packed a lunch and had a banana in his cooler...........busted!
> If you travel with pets, don't try taking them back and forth across the
> border, there are quarantine rules.
> Another interesting thing, If you have had any nuclear stress tests
> recently, it will be detected, they now use radiation detectors which are
> that sensitive.
> That said, for the most part, classic cars "usually" are given good
> treatment. I have gone to several car shows in Canada over the years with
> little or no problem. But you never know.
> Gary Swiatowy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "henry kaczmarek" <kaczmarek at charter.net>
> To: "Gary Swiatowy" <garyswiatowy at summitlubricants.com>;
> <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 8:39 AM
> Subject: Re: <VV> Re: 2006 convention / passports
> > Folks
> > By all means , do as Gary suggests.
> > Don't forget that when you are at an international border, you live in
> > a post 9/11 world.
> >
> > And a world of difference exists now at the border, compared to years ago.
> >
> > I recently saw a family of Mexican "illegales" detained trying to come
> > back into the US walking across the Rainbow Bridge. They forgot when
> > they went into Canada, they were leaving the country they originally
> > entered illegally. OOPS.
> >
> > However, I do recommend if you are in Niagara Falls USA and intend to
> > go over to the other side, leave your car and walk across. It's only a
> > dollar to cross, and you will save oodles of time getting your car
> > back into the USA. May also avoid a premature stripping of your car if
> > the Customs folks decide you're carrying contraband back in. Plenty of
> > free parking available at the Seneca Casino, as well as other places.
> >
> >
> > Hank
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