<VV> Buffalo Convention.
Harry Jensen, CORSA Executive Secretary
corsa at corvair.org
Wed Nov 9 18:17:59 EST 2005
At this point, the best I can do is have you look at last year's schedule
for a rough idea. It is unlikely that the concours will change from being
the first event which will be held on Wednesday. We, Larry Claypool, CORSA
President Sarah Beltrami and I, are meeting in Buffalo with the host
chapter representatives next week to discuss the schedule among other
things. If the concours is on Wednesday, the bulk of classification will be
done the day before.
Heck, it's Niagara Falls! Come early; stay late. You and your wife will
have a great time.
At 04:52 PM 11/9/2005, 4carbcorvair wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone had a rough idea of what the Buffalo convention
>schedule will be like between July 25th and 29th? What will be going on each
>day? My wife has to have her vacation request form in by the 21st of this
>month and we are trying to plan things out. Any input is greatly
| Harry Jensen mailto:corsa at corvair.org
| CORSA Executive Secretary
| Corvair Society of America (CORSA)
| P.O. Box 607, Lemont, IL 60439, 630.257.6530 fax 630.257.5540
| http://www.corvair.org
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