<VV> Groaning, Backfiring, Loss of Power

Darrin Hartzler dhartzler at ifc.org
Fri Nov 4 09:46:51 EST 2005

Though it is like the carbs (if you have not had the stones out or looked 
at the bowls, I would do that first), there are other possibilities.

I have had these same symptoms (including a squeal) and it turned out to 
be a blower bearing that was going out....really killed power, but 
intermitantly.   Later it killed power all the time.  Swapped with a spare 
top cover with bearing and it ran beautifully.   Odd that it did not throw 
the fan belt...just bogged the motor.

I spent a week disassembling and reassembling the carbs before I figured 
out it was the blower bearing. 

Are you sure the noise is the TO bearing?  Even if it is the carbs you 
need to chase down that sound as well as it can leave by the side of the 

Darrin Hartzler
Bethesda, MD
66 Yellowcar

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