<VV> Chesapeake Vair Fair

Doug Mackintosh dougmackintosh at yahoo.com
Tue May 24 17:16:46 EDT 2005

Sorry - CBN is Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting
Network which was on the rally route.  Their private
cops had made me leave their "restricted area" where I
was trying to count dish antennas for the rally

None of the cars I saw pulled over on the way home
were Corvairs.  I would estimate about 10-12 total
seen during the 3 hour return trip.  I'm used to
seeing the cops hiding various places, then later I
will see someone pulled over.  The strange thing about
these sightings was that I never saw a cop the whole
trip (not behind signs, not up entrance ramps, not
cruising) except the ones with lights flashing and a
victim already nailed.

Mike Hicks asked:
<< What in the heck is the CBN police??  Were these
corvairs you saw 
pulled over or just cars in general?  I didn't see
anyone pulled over going 
to and from the Fair on I64.  Dagnab coppers!!



.... Saw an awful lot of cars pulled over by the VA
troopers, but
we slipped through unscathed.  I guess the CBN police
and the state troopers don't share intelligence yet!

-- Doug Mackintosh >>

-- Doug Mackintosh
  Corsa member since 1996
  Corsa/NC member since 1996,  Virtual Vairs member
  Corvair owner 1969-1971 and 1996-on

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