<VV> The Lousy Cop
henry kaczmarek
kaczmarek at charter.net
Mon May 23 10:46:58 EDT 2005
Well Said
I worked closely with the VA State Police when in Booking at Norfolk City
One thing they didn't do well was roll fingerprints---mostly from the
infrequency of them having to do it. And if they didn't do a good job, they
caught hell from their LT.
I was happy to print any felony subjects they brought in, and they were
happy to get good readable prints. In exchange for such, they had to cut me
a break next time I was tear-assing up the road in my Monza, and they caught
me. Which they said they would do so long as I was not intoxicated---I was
never that stupid.
One morning I hit I 264 from the Jail enroute to the house in Va Beach. It
was cold, and the heater wasn't doing too well. I still had the 140 in it
at the time, so I just jammed it wide open...Sunday AM @0500 is likely one
of the best times to break the speed limit, if you are going to do it at
all---nobody else was on the road but me. At Campostella RD (about 1.5
miles from my start), I was over 100mph, and went by a parked Trooper so
fast he said he felt me "suck the sticker off his cruiser" I never even
saw him---until I saw the blue grille lights in the frost on the backlite.
I pulled over, and a Trooper who owed me one admitted to be dozing in the
car, but I woke him up pretty quick when he heard the radar beep and I was
doing 101 in a 55.
He knew my car, but when he got to the window he was still pissed---told me
in no uncertain terms--"Don't you EVER try this crap again". If I did, he
promised to arrest me. But he did let me go.
Our inmate transport cruisers had a state police radio in it, and they saved
the bacon more than once---a blown radiator hose at Natural Bridge with 2
felons in the back seat comes to mind. Also Riding behind me from Norfolk to
Williamsburg Eastern State mental hospital when I was alone with a female
in the back seat--generally a no-no, but had to be done.
They do their best to weed out anyone with a personality--it's part of the
job....But they do their job with great integrity. And you're right--I knew
at least a dozen Deputies who tried to join the VSP---none made the
grade--in fact, none even made it to the Academy.
And this is for sure--you'll get a break much quicker from the VSP than from
the NC Highway Patrol.---A local HP officer gave HIS WIFE a ticket for
rolling a stop sign near their home, something she frequently did. His own
insurance rate went up as a result---talk about no personality!!!! Don't
trifle with a NC state man. The meanest cops I have ever come into contact
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