<VV> Re: First Posting / More KR info
Scott Cable
s2cable1 at yahoo.com
Sun May 22 01:49:59 EDT 2005
Chuck & "Vairheads,
The KR-2 was designed in the early 70's by the late Ken Rand, and originally designed to be powered by a VW, O-200 or Subaru EA-81 (around 70-80 hp). The S version is a stretch version of the KR-2, which solved the pitch sensitivity issues.
See http://www.fly-kr.com/index.html for more info.
The latest trend has been for awhile now to go with the 110 hp Corvair engine. There's about 4 or 5 flying now. Most recently Mark Langford's KR-2S flew for the first time on 5-19-05, which is powered by a 3100 cc Corvair engine. Check it out at:http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/
When I was building my KR-2S, I was planning on Turbocharging a 140 bumped upto 3100 cc. I proved to Mark, that using the 110 heads were restricting the amount of power this engine could develop, and that by changing to the 140 heads, Much more power could be developed, mainly because of the increase in valve size. Mark verified this by only changing the valve size and re-ran Desk-top Dyno. Think about it in these tems:If you increase displacement(lung size), you must increase by the same percent, the orifice which that lung breaths through.
The reason why William Wynne (the corvair flight engine guru) recommends the 110 is because the 140 has a tendancy to drop valve seats. My argument being was that if you change the valves, guides and seats, you solve the problem of dropping seats. This engine was designed in the early sixties, and what was thought back then as being exotic or too expensive for materials and processes is now comonplace...
The website for the kit car that I'm building is:
Thanks Chuck for the encouragement.
Scott Cable
Jamestown ND
From: "Louis C. Armer, Jr."
Hey Scott, Welcome to non-lurking status. I toured your airplane web site for
over 30 minutes and thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the small aircraft
and the detailed work involved in building them. Are all the featured aircraft
Corvair engine powered? Was / Is your KR-2S Corvair powered? I thought the consensus opinion for Corvair powered light airplanes was to use late model (65-69) 110hp engines.
Your new project sounds interesting. Hurry up and post some picts.
Chuck Armer
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